Pilots check TRK NOTAMS at ➤ FAA NOTAMS
TOWER/CTAF: 120.575 Mhz / ATIS: 118.0 Mhz / UNICOM-FBO: 122.95 Mhz / GROUND: 118.3 *when Tower is in operation / Oakland Center: 127.95 Mhz
Tower Operational Hours:
Fall: 09/3 - 9/30, 07:00 - 19:00 local
Winter: 10/01 - 03/14, 07:00 - 18:00 local
Spring: 03/15 - 04/30, 07:00 - 19:30 local
Summer: 05/01 - 09/2, 07:00 - 20:00 local
Admin Offices: (530) 587-4119 x143, 08:30 - 16:30
Terminal Building: Daily 07:00 - 21:00
SAFE HAVEN - KTRK's stranded pilot program
Click here for more info ➤ Safe Haven Initiative
Attention Pilots: Chemical De-Icing or Anti-Icing services are not available at KTRK
$7.22 SAF JET A
$7.32 SAF JET A with Prist
$5.41 100LL (Self serve and/or Full Service)
What is SAF? ➤ All about SAF, a quick 3 min YouTube Video
- Full Service 100LL and Jet-A available 7am to 7pm
- Self Service 100LL available 7am to 9pm
Fuel Order Form
➤ Link to downloadable Fuel Order form
Email to:
* A phone call to UNICOM must accompany the emailed signed Fuel/Service Order. Payment method must be prearranged.
Phone: (530) 587-4119 x100
Other Aviation Services
- GPU and LAV Services available for a fee from 7:00am to 5:30pm
- Aircraft Tug Services available for a fee from 7:00am to 5:00pm
- Drinking water cart service is available for a fee from 7:00am to 5:30pm
- Be aware: De-ice services are NOT available at KTRK
Airport Master Fee Schedule
Tiedowns & Overnight
- 210 paved tie-downs available for transient parking
- Overnight fees are minimal
- Transient T and Executive Hangars are available as first-come, first-served
Auto Parking Fees
➤ Master Fee Schedule
* Transient Use fees for aircraft over 5,500lbs (helicopters over 3,000lbs) may be waived with a minimum fuel purchase.
- Sierra Aero Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Rental, Flight Instruction - Jeff & Jessica Fay 530-FLY-TRK1 (359-8751)