Page 1 of 3 ACAT Meeting Minutes from the January 14, 2014 Regular Meeting Call Meeting to Order: 9:02 a.m. ACAT Members Present: Chair Gerald Herrick Vice Chair Robert Anderson Leigh Golden (Arrived at 10:54am) John Aadland Andrew Terry Deborah Croyle Staff Present: Hardy Bullock, Director of Aviation and Community Services Kevin Smith, General Manager Mike Cooke, Aviation and Business Services Tech Public Present: 2 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR  Minutes of the ACAT December 10, 2013 Regular Meeting Member Croyle made a spelling correction in the Noise Abatement Procedure Video. She also would like the direction given to staff regarding night operations to read project, instead of workshop. These changes were duly noted. MOTION #1: Member Terry moved to approve the Minutes of the ACAT December 10, 2013 regular Meeting as amended. Member Aadland seconded the motion. Chair Herrick, Vice Chair Anderson, and Members Terry, Aadland, Golden and Croyle voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. PUBLIC COMMENT: None SIMULATOR REPLACEMENT Mr. Cooke gave a brief description on the Redbird proposal. The requested amount is $6789 for the upgrade to the flight simulator, which would include moving from Microsoft to Lockheed Martin. Mr. Cooke stated that there could be a deduction of $2595 if ACAT chooses not to have the steam panel, and only have the G1000 (glass) panel. Discussion followed regarding this. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Jack Armstrong suggested that staff move away from Microsoft whenever possible. He stated that there is an advantage to using both the steam panel and the G1000 panel. Vice Chair Anderson stated that he would prefer to put this project on hold in favor of some more pressing issues. Discussion followed. Chair Herrick suggested that this item be rolled over until the February 11, 2014 ACAT meeting. The group agreed. INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE PROCEDURES Page 2 of 3 Mr. Bullock gave a quick background on the instrument departure project. This project started in early 2013 with Mr. Kevin Bumen and Mr. Pete Elmore with NextGen Aviation. The idea was to create a departure procedure that would limit night operations through a signatory incentive plan. If an operator signed this, they would receive the OEI procedure in exchange for not flying into the Airport after 9pm. There were two task orders; 3a, which included the flight validation plan, and maintenance plan, and 3b, which was the flight testing. Mr. Bullock stated that at the December ACAT meeting, it was decided that the best course of action would be to put a stop notice to Mr. Elmore on the procedure, and to look at the return on investment if the procedure continues. Mr. Bullock suggested decoupling night operations with this project as it does not solve the problem. There are currently three departure procedures, TRUCK 3, which is the existing IFR departure, CONKY1, which is Mr. Elmore’s procedure, and PWWDR, which is the FAA’s procedure. Discussion following regarding the disingenuous delivery of the CONKY1 procedure and how ACAT feels about it. Member Aadland stated that the value of the CONKY1 procedure is diminishing with the rising costs. Mr. Smith stated that there was a lot learned through this process with Mr. Elmore. He suggested talking to Mr. Peter Kirsch about other options that could be put into place regarding night operations, at a lot less money. Mr. Bullock showed the three procedures, with the ESRI data compilation of houses affected. He stated that there is a 10% difference in affected homes between all three procedures, with the PWWDR procedure the least affected. Mr. Smith stated that all departures have a Runway 2 departure. Currently, most pilots use Runway 29, and there would need to be wind to get pilots to use Runway 2. BREAK: At 10:29 a.m. ACAT recessed for a short break. At 10:41 a.m. Chair Herrick reconvened the meeting. Discussion ensued about the three procedures and their benefits. Member Golden arrived at 10:54 a.m. Mr. Bullock stated that he is looking for direction from ACAT. Vice Chair Anderson questioned what the understanding from the Board is about CONKY1. He stated that his sense was that CONKY1 would be very valuable regarding night operations. Mr. Smith stated that he has been updating the Board throughout this process and that the Board is expecting this type of analysis from ACAT with respect to annoyance mitigation and night operations. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION #2: Member Terry moved to suspend work on the CONKY1 RNAV departure procedure task order 3B because no adequate correlation currently exists between the project and the reduction of night operations. Further supporting GIS and noise modeling information suggests that the CONKY1 does not reduce community impact in a measureable way. Additional factors that lead to this decision include the pending FAA RNAV departure procedure and the forecasted expenditures related to the CONKY1 RNAV departure project. ACAT further acknowledges pending work and research regarding night operations at Truckee Tahoe Airport. Member Croyle seconded the motion. Chair Herrick, Vice Chair Anderson, and Members Terry, Aadland, Golden and Croyle voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. STAFF REPORT Mr. Cooke reported on the AWOS system stating that it is functional and FAA approved. Mr. Smith gave a brief update on the Master Plan. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ACAT MEMBERS REPORTS Page 3 of 3 Chair Herrick questioned if ACAT was happy with the way he was running. The group agreed it was going well. Member Croyle questioned the next step for night operations. Mr. Smith stated that he will have Mr. Kirsch come out and talk about other options. Vice Chair Anderson would like to revisit the idea of a temporary tower. Chair Herrick stated that it was put on hold while the Unicom assessment was taking place. Member Aadland questioned how the website is coming along. Mr. Cooke stated that a milestone meeting is taking place this week, and that the content will be built into the website in the next two weeks. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURN MOTION #3: Member Golden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Member Aadland seconded the motion. Chair Herrick, Vice Chair Anderson, and Members Croyle, Terry, Aadland, and Golden voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. At 11:59 a.m. the January 14, 2014 regular meeting of the Airport Community Advisory Team adjourned.