Snow Day
2.11.2025 3:35pm local (by: VPW)
Snow Day Forecast for 13 February
-Expecting heavy snowfall beginning on the evening of the 12th and continuing throughout the 13th.
-If even moderate snowfall begins on the evening of the 12th and persists, then we will likely close the runways on the early morning of the 13th for snow removal activities and stay closed throughout the day keeping up with the fall. Those snow removal operations will happen throughout the day on the 13th and most likely resume the morning of the 14th.
-A closure is imminent in the first part of the day of the 13th. Runways will likely stay closed all day on the 13th and into the mid day on the 14th. Hangar rows will be impacted and may not be fully cleared until the 15th.
Note: This information is a forecast and actual conditions may change. Our forecast should be used to indicate when trouble may be encountered in order to add extra caution to your flight planning. If we indicate a runway closure may be imminent and you wish to get out before the closure then call dispatch. Stay abreast of approved weather forecasting and reporting as well as NOTAMS
Runway Availability: This means one runway, a parallel taxiway, and reasonable access to a ramp. Full runway and taxiway access, services, and access to hangars will happen after a runway has been made available. Sometimes a day or more will be required to provide full access.
2.7.2025 3:33pm local (by: DVQ)
Runways opened at 2pm
All hangars are available but some west facing rows may have about 2" of snow on the ground
Snow flurries have been on and off this afternoon and field is currently IFR
2.7.2025 11:08am local (by: VPW)
Snow removal operations have resumed, temperatures seem to be rising above freezing. Runway availability should follow within a couple hours if snowfall does not resume.
H row has been identified as a hangar row priority
2.7.2025 8:18am local (by: VPW)
Runways Closed
Right now we have snow over ice creating an RCAM of Zero (0). That creates a mandatory closure until an RCAM value can be reported as something higher which based on our temperatures and overcast layer is unlikely to happen in the morning. Crews have been out there since sunup removing as much snow as possible to help expose the ice. Once we have either sustained temperatures above freezing or good direct sun the ice will melt and then we can raise the RCAM condition. These rule sets are out of our hands and are mandated by the FAA.
2.6.2025 4:05pm local (by: VPW)
Snow Day Forecast for 07 February
-A mixture of snow and rain will fall throughout the evening of the 6th and into the early hours of the 7th. Temperatures will fall to below or very near freezing early on the 7th and remain near freezing through the day with an overcast likely.
-We will monitor conditions throughout the day on the 7th and may need to close the runways if we find ice and other contaminants. Snow clearing operations may begin early on the 7th if there is significant snowfall on top of ice.
-A closure is possible in the first part of the day.
Note: This information is a forecast and actual conditions may change. Our forecast should be used to indicate when trouble may be encountered in order to add extra caution to your flight planning. If we indicate a runway closure may be imminent and you wish to get out before the closure then call dispatch. Stay abreast of approved weather forecasting and reporting as well as NOTAMS
Runway Availability: This means one runway, a parallel taxiway, and reasonable access to a ramp. Full runway and taxiway access, services, and access to hangars will happen after a runway has been made available. Sometimes a day or more will be required to provide full access.
2.5.2025 4:14pm local (by: VPW)
Snow Day Forecast for 06 February
-Rain and snow expected throughout the day on the 6th with temperatures likely above freezing. Expect wet runways and possibly slush. Temp to drop below freezing with wet runways early on the 7th, this may produce an ice sheet on the morning of the 7th
-We will monitor conditions throughout the day on the 6th and may need to close the runways near the end of the day if slush becomes thick to prevent severe ice forming overnight.
-A closure is possible in the latter part of the day.
Note: This information is a forecast and actual conditions may change. Our forecast should be used to indicate when trouble may be encountered in order to add extra caution to your flight planning. If we indicate a runway closure may be imminent and you wish to get out before the closure then call dispatch. Stay abreast of approved weather forecasting and reporting as well as NOTAMS
Runway Availability: This means one runway, a parallel taxiway, and reasonable access to a ramp. Full runway and taxiway access, services, and access to hangars will happen after a runway has been made available. Sometimes a day or more will be required to provide full access.
2.5.2025 11:00am local (by: DVQ)
Runway FICONS have been cancelled
A PC12 just landed on Runway 20 and reported good braking
The pilot also reported light to moderate turbulence below 12,000'
2.5.2025 9:22am local (by: DVQ)
Rain and overnight freezing temps have made for a sheet of ice on our surfaces this AM
Runways technically open but FICONS issued of 1/1/1
Full sun here today so should melt out soon.
2.4.2025 4:08pm local (by: VPW)
Snow Day Forecast for 05 February
-Rain and possibly snow expected overnight. Temp to drop below freezing with wet runways early on the 5th, this may produce an ice sheet
-There is a chance that the runways will be unusable due to ice at field opening. If we get the predicted sunshine the runways (if closed) may reopen by 1300L
-An early runway closure due to ice is possible
Note: This information is a forecast and actual conditions may change. Our forecast should be used to indicate when trouble may be encountered in order to add extra caution to your flight planning. If we indicate a runway closure may be imminent and you wish to get out before the closure then call dispatch. Stay abreast of approved weather forecasting and reporting as well as NOTAMS
Runway Availability: This means one runway, a parallel taxiway, and reasonable access to a ramp. Full runway and taxiway access, services, and access to hangars will happen after a runway has been made available. Sometimes a day or more will be required to provide full access.
2.3.2025 2:38pm local (by: VPW)
Snow Day Forecast for 04 February
-Rain and possibly snow expected overnight
-We will monitor runways that may become poor with slush but most likely usable
-No runway closure anticipated
Note: This information is a forecast and actual conditions may change. Our forecast should be used to indicate when trouble may be encountered in order to add extra caution to your flight planning. If we indicate a runway closure may be imminent and you wish to get out before the closure then call dispatch. Stay abreast of approved weather forecasting and reporting as well as NOTAMS
Runway Availability: This means one runway, a parallel taxiway, and reasonable access to a ramp. Full runway and taxiway access, services, and access to hangars will happen after a runway has been made available. Sometimes a day or more will be required to provide full access.