Snow Day

3.8.2023 4:53pm local (by: DVQ)

Runway 11-29 will open at 5pm with a direct crosswind of 9- 20 kts
Runway 2-20 to be opened tomorrow afternoon
Hangars are accessible by vehicle currently

3.8.2023 3:40pm local (by: DVQ)

Snow removal continues
Runway 11-29 will likely open today, 2-20 may not open until tomorrow
Hangar rows have 1-4" and staff will begin plowing tomorrow

3.8.2023 11:53am local (by: DVQ)

About 6" of light snow has piled up on our surfaces
The sun is out so snow removal has now begun
Runways now closed for snow removal with ETO of 5pm

3.8.2023 9:27am local (by: DVQ)

Snow showers cranked up this morning with several inches of light snow so far
Runways will close soon for snow removal with ETO this afternoon

3.7.2023 5:21pm local (by: JS)

Evening update:
All hangar rows are accessible.
Both runways open with noted conditions and restrictions. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for most recent updates.
Hangar tenants watch for falling snow and ice from roofs. Clear all snow from the bottom of your hangar door before closing!

3.7.2023 12:36pm local (by: JS)

Midday update. Both runways open as of noon with noted conditions and restrictions. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for most recent updates.
All west side hangars (J - P rows) accessible to aircraft. East side hangars rows accessible to aircraft EXCEPT for A (west), B (east), C (west), G (east) and H. Work is in progress on these remaining rows.
Stay clear of all snow removal equipment. Hangar tenants watch for falling snow and ice from roofs. Clear all snow from the bottom of your hangar door before closing!

3.7.2023 8:53am local (by: JS)

KTRK received another 4" of snow overnight. O&M crews are again out clearing snow. Runways are NOTAM'd to open at noon today, with wingtip clearance restrictions. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for restrictions and updates.
West side hangars (J - P rows) are currently accessible by vehicle but not aircraft. East side hangars (A - H rows) are NOT currently accessible. Vehicles on airfield need to be aware and stay clear of snow removal equipment. Stay tuned for midday updates on snow removal progress. Red Truck Cafe, Sierra Aero and rental car companies are open.

3.6.2023 4:14pm local (by: JM)

Evening update: Snow is continuing to fall this afternoon, but we indeed managed to open 16:00 local. Due to the heavy snow fall, our snowbanks have grown to the point we need to implement wingtip clearance restrictions. Wingspan is restricted to 45’ on all runway/taxiways. We anticipate expanding wingspan restrictions to 56’ tomorrow during tower operations for runway 11/29, and using taxiways Foxtrot and Delta to access 11/29. Wingspan restrictions will return to 45' when tower is not in operation. West end hangar rows are almost opened, and tomorrow we’ll continue working on A-H hangars; we have deep snow that must be pushed one loader at a time, to then be ramped or tossed with our snow-blowers. O&M continues to clear snow as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Please check NOTAMS and FICONS for the latest updates.

3.6.2023 12:30pm local (by: JS)

Midday update: O&M Snow Boss expects to be able to stick with a 16:00 local runway openings, weather permitting (more snow forecasted), but with significant wingtip clearance restrictions due to wind blown berms on taxiways. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for the latest updates
Hangars will NOT be accessible today via vehicle or aircraft. O&M continues to clear snow as quickly and safely as possible. Thank you for your patience.

3.6.2023 9:19am local (by: JS)

Another 12"+ fell in Truckee in the past 24 hours. O&M crews are once again out clearing snow. Runways are NOTAM'd closed until 16:00 local. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for the latest updates.
Hangar rows are not currently accessible by vehicles. An update will be posted at noon today. Red Truck Cafe, Sierra Aero and Rental Car companies are open.

* Attention Pilots: Local tenants with tentative flight schedules planned (post snow events), can send priority hangar snow clearing requests to


Check live 360 degree webcam:

Check weather forecast:  

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM): 

Please remember the snow removal priorities that were discussed at the Winter Operations Speaking Event:
- Landside roads & parking (so we can get to work)
- Care Flight EMS
- Runways & Taxiways
- Airside terminal ramp, businesses and Control Tower
- Hangar row taxilanes

Winter Ops Fact Sheet 2023-2024

➤ Winter Ops Presentation 2021