Snow Day

2.11.2023 10:31am local (by: DVQ)

Runway plowing has begun

2.11.2023 8:52am local (by: DVQ)

Light snow began falling this morning
Runways closed due to ice
Monitor NOTAMS and Snow Day for updates

2.6.2023 1:30pm local (by: JS)

All KTRK hangar rows accessible by aircraft by 14:00 local.
CAUTION watch for and give-right-of-way to snow removal equipment

2.6.2023 12:00pm local (by: JS)

Runways 11-29 and 2-20 OPEN at Noon (12:00 local) as well as 100LL self-serve fuel
FBO services open at 14:00 local

2.6.2023 11:30am local (by: JS)

Hangar Access Update (all KTRK hangars accessible by vehicle as of 11:30 am)
West side hangars all accessible by aircraft J, K, L, M, N, P
East side hangars accessible by aircraft A, B (west), D (east), E, F, G (west)
Stay tuned for additional information
Pilots CAUTION WING TIP CLEARANCE around snow banks
Give snow removal equipment right of way

2.6.2023 9:30am local (by: JS)

~8" of new snow fell between yesterday afternoon and last night.
Runways and FBO services are scheduled to open at 14:00 local today.
Stayed tuned for hangar row access information as plowing progresses.
Pilots check NOTAMS

2.5.2023 3:54pm local (by: DVQ)

Several inches of snow has piled up throughout the day and has yet to let up
Runway closure extended to 2pm tomorrow 2/6/23
Monitor NOTAMS and Snow Day tomorrow for runway/ hangar access updates

2.5.2023 12:45pm local (by: DVQ)

Snow showers have persisted today
All hangars have been plowed enough for vehicle access only currently
Monitor NOTAMS

2.5.2023 8:44am local (by: DVQ)

4-5" of dense snow accumulated overnight and snow showers forecast throughout the day
Runways Closed with current ETO of 5pm today
Self-Serve 100LL unavailable until 7am tomorrow
Fuel Truck service unavailable until 12pm tomorrow
Monitor NOTAMS

1.30.2023 11:00am local (by: JS)

Rwy 11-29 Open
Rwy 2-20 and a portion of Taxiway Golf (Quebec x-ing to runup for Rwy 02) Closed until 13:30 local due to nill breaking
Hangar rows have not been cleared but are accessible by vehicle and aircraft with a light covering of snow and ice
Pilots Check NOTAMS

* Attention Pilots: Local tenants with tentative flight schedules planned (post snow events), can send priority hangar snow clearing requests to


Check live 360 degree webcam:

Check weather forecast:  

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM): 

Please remember the snow removal priorities that were discussed at the Winter Operations Speaking Event:
- Landside roads & parking (so we can get to work)
- Care Flight EMS
- Runways & Taxiways
- Airside terminal ramp, businesses and Control Tower
- Hangar row taxilanes

Winter Ops Fact Sheet 2023-2024

➤ Winter Ops Presentation 2021