⚠️ Warning: Possible runway closure and suspended snow removal Feb 13–14 due to winter weather.

Snow Day

3.3.2023 9:00am local (by: JS)

Runways are open. FBO services are available. Wingtip clearance restrictions are in place, 60' max for RWY 11-29 and 46' max RWY 2-20. Pilots check NOTAMS for specific taxiway wingtip clearance restrictions.
Hangar rows are being addressed as quickly as possible. There are requests for specific priority hangar access on almost every row. Pilots please be patient. We just had forecast record snows on Tuesday.
Hangar row status as of 09:00 local: Lima, Papa, November and the west side of Mike row are now fully accessible by aircraft. All other rows are being addressed ASAP.
Red Truck Cafe, Sierra Aero and rental car facilities are open.

3.2.2023 3:15pm local (by: JS)

As of 15:00 local no access to any hangar rows by aircraft. O&M team is working full time clearing as fast as possible. Stay tuned for updates.

3.2.2023 2:37pm local (by: JS)

Runway 11-29 OPEN as of 14:40 local. Runway 2-20 Opens at 16:00 local. Pilots Check NOTAMS
Aerodrome/Airport MAXIMUM wingtip clearance 60'. Greater restrictions on some taxiways:
50' maximum wingtip clearances on Taxiway Alpha from Tango to RWY 11 Runup
50' maximum wingtip clearances on Taxiways Mike, Uniform and Charlie

3.2.2023 10:02am local (by: JS)

Runways remain CLOSED. All snow removal equipment is out in the snow removing effort. Pilots stay up to date with NOTAMS. Hangars are NOT currently accessible by vehicle. KTRK does anticipate wingtip clearance restrictions when the runways do open. Red Truck Cafe is OPEN today. 360 deg airport webcam is operational at https://truckeetahoeairport.com/webcam

3.1.2023 1:25pm local (by: JS)

Runways remain CLOSED. All snow removal equipment is out in the snow removing effort. Pilots stay up to date with NOTAMS. NOTAMS have been updated with tentative runway openings scheduled for tomorrow 3/2/23 at 16:00 local . Hangars are NOT currently accessible by vehicle. Red Truck Cafe is CLOSED today. 360 deg airport webcam is operational at https://truckeetahoeairport.com/webcam

3.1.2023 9:00am local (by: JS)

Runways remain CLOSED. KTRK received 4' in the past two days with another 20" of snow overnight. It is still snowing this morning. Crews are out snow blowing. Pilots check NOTAMS. NOTAMS will be updated later today as snow clearing progress is assessed. Hangars are NOT currently accessible by vehicle. Red Truck Cafe is CLOSED today. Check back mid day for a Snow Day status update.

2.28.2023 9:00am local (by: JS)

Blizzard conditions continue at KTRK with high winds and heavy snow. The airport is currently closed at least through Wednesday 03/01/23 at 4:00 pm. Pilots please stay updated on NOTAMS.
Hangars are currently NOT accessible by vehicle. Red Truck Cafe is Closed.

2.27.2023 10:00am local (by: JS)

Blizzard conditions at KTRK. Airport is currently closed through Tuesday 2/28 at 4:00 pm. Pilots please stay updated on NOTAMS.
All hangars are accessible with a vehicle.

2.26.2023 5:01pm local (by: DVQ)

Martis Dam Rd. is now clear from Highway 267 to Sailplane Way
It is now snowing heavily and visibility is less than 1/2 mile
Runways will technically be open with FICONS for deep snow

2.26.2023 1:03pm local (by: DVQ)

KTRK staff have begun clearing snow on Martis Dam Rd.

* Attention Pilots: Local tenants with tentative flight schedules planned (post snow events), can send priority hangar snow clearing requests to snowday@truckeetahoeairport.com.


Check live 360 degree webcam:

Check weather forecast:

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM): 

Please remember the snow removal priorities that were discussed at the Winter Operations Speaking Event:
- Landside roads & parking (so we can get to work)
- Care Flight EMS
- Runways & Taxiways
- Airside terminal ramp, businesses and Control Tower
- Hangar row taxilanes

Winter Ops Fact Sheet 2023-2024

➤ Winter Ops Presentation 2021