Snow Day

12.6.2022 12:54pm local (by: JS)

O&M just announced they will open runways a bit earlier than anticipated now 13:15 local
FBO and Fuel Services open for business

12.6.2022 12:05pm local (by: JS)

NOTAM to be removed at 14:00 local
All Rwys RCAM 4-5 (Wet)
West side hangar rows (J-P) clear and accessible
East side hangar rows (A-H) in progress. Anticipated to be clear and accessible by 14:00 local

12.5.2022 2:00pm local (by: JS)

Continuing snow event. Crews are working on snow clearing around the airfield.
Runways remain CLOSED. RCAM on both runways 11/29 and 2/20 = 0/0/0 (Snow/Ice)
Hangar rows not clear / accessible
Pilots check NOTAMs

12.4.2022 4:46pm local (by: DVQ)

Crews were able to clear the runways of snow but a layer of ice developed so runways will reopen Monday at 2pm
Monitor NOTAMS

12.4.2022 2:07pm local (by: DVQ)

Crews have been clearing snow throughout the day
Runways will open by 5pm but possibly sooner
Monitor NOTAMS

12.4.2022 8:46am local (by: DVQ)

Wet, heavy snow is falling and FICONS are issued
Snow removal will commence as conditions develop

12.3.2022 5:09pm local (by: DVQ)

Light rain fell throughout the afternoon and will likely shift to snow in the AM hours of Sunday
Monitor NOTAMS and Snow Day page tomorrow for updates as conditions change

12.3.2022 9:50am local (by: DVQ)

FICON's issued for both runways
Snow is expected today through Monday and flight during this time is not advised

12.2.2022 2:28pm local (by: JS)

All hangar rows open and clear as of 14:00 local

12.2.2022 1:00pm local (by: JS)

As of 13:00 local Snow Event NOTAM lifted
Airport is open, Rwy 11-29 5/5/5, Rwy 2-20 5/5/5
West side hangar rows clear
East side hangar rows: A-C clear, D-H in progress
FBO and fuel services will again be available at 07:00 Saturday, December 3.

* Attention Pilots: Local tenants with tentative flight schedules planned (post snow events), can send priority hangar snow clearing requests to


Check live 360 degree webcam:

Check weather forecast:  

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM): 

Please remember the snow removal priorities that were discussed at the Winter Operations Speaking Event:
- Landside roads & parking (so we can get to work)
- Care Flight EMS
- Runways & Taxiways
- Airside terminal ramp, businesses and Control Tower
- Hangar row taxilanes

Winter Ops Fact Sheet 2023-2024

➤ Winter Ops Presentation 2021