Snow Day
12.2.2022 11:05am local (by: JS)
15 inches fell as of Thursday evening. Crews have been plowing snow all day Thursday and this morning.
Runways are scheduled to remain closed until 13:00 local Friday, December 2.
RCAM Code for both runways is 0 as of 11:00 local.
West side hangars clear. Alpha - Hotel hangar Rows in progress.
FBO and fuel services will again be available at 07:00 Saturday, December 3.
12.1.2022 3:12pm local (by: DVQ)
Crews have been plowing snow throughout the day
Runways will remain closed until 13:00 local Friday, December 2
Services will be unavailable until 07:00 local Saturday, December 3
12.1.2022 9:28am local (by: DVQ)
Snow is falling heavily and is predicted to worsen throughout the day
Runways Closed
No services available. Updates to follow
11.13.2022 9:58am local (by: DVQ)
The sun is out and FICON's have been dropped
All runways now open
A Citation Longitude just landed Runway 11 and reported good braking
11.13.2022 9:01am local (by: DVQ)
1" of light snow overnight
Staff closed the runways this morning due to ice
Runway 11/29 now open with varying FICON's across the length of it
Runway 2/20 will remain closed until 10:30am due to ice
11.9.2022 2:16pm local (by: DVQ)
KTRK now open and services are available
All hangar rows have been plowed
Use caution for workers in snow removal equipment
11.9.2022 1:25pm local (by: DVQ)
Runways will likely open earlier than NOTAM says but without services available
Hangar rows have begun being plowed
Monitor NOTAMS and Snow Day
11.9.2022 8:56am local (by: DVQ)
8" of new snow overnight
Snow removal began at 6am today and crews are making good progress
Runways closed by NOTAM until 4pm. Monitor Snow Day page for updates today
11.8.2022 8:58am local (by: DVQ)
Light snow on top of ice has made for the closure of our runways
Snow removal operations will begin tomorrow morning. Monitor NOTAMS
Red Truck Cafe is closed today as well
11.7.2022 12:21pm local (by: MAC)
Runway closure NOTAMs will cancel for today at 1 pm local. Normal services available after 1300. Use caution in hangar rows as there will be plowing underway all day. More snow is expected this afternoon through Wed.