Snow Day
2.11.2019 1:25pm local (by: Hardy Bullock)
Airfield Open with Runway 11/29. 02/20 Closed. Hangar rows are quickly being cleared.
2.11.2019 7:34am local (by: Hardy Bullock)
Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 closed until 12 p.m. today (Monday, 2/11)
NOTAMS have been issued.
Hangar row A-E are accessible by vehicle. No hangar rows are accessible by aircraft. Other areas of the field are in progress.
Next Posting at 10 AM Local.
2.10.2019 3:23pm local (by: DVQ)
Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 closed until 12 p.m. tomorrow (Monday, 2/11)
NOTAMS have been issued.
2.10.2019 1:36pm local (by: DVQ)
Occasional snow showers between periods of blue skies.
Runway 11/29 opening may be delayed beyond 4:30 p.m. local. Check NOTAMS
Currently zero access to hangars
2.10.2019 9:16am local (by: DVQ)
About three feet of light snow piled up overnight.
Runways 11/29 & 2/20 are CLOSED.
Expected opening of runway 11/29 is 4:30pm local
Expected opening of runway 2/20 is Noon tomorrow (2/11)
Updates will be posted as information becomes available as well as any new runway opening ETA.
2.9.2019 12:35pm local (by: DVQ)
Currently snowing heavily. Near white-out conditions.
Runways 11/29 & 2/20 remain OPEN but FICON NOTAMS have been issued.
2.9.2019 9:00am local (by: DVQ)
Currently snowing lightly with low visibility.
Both runways 11/29 and 2/20 are OPEN but FICON NOTAMS have been issued.
2.7.2019 7:39am local (by: Hardy Bullock)
Airfield Open. Tower Class D Services Open and Available. RUNWAY 02/20 is OPEN but additional work may close this runway today. Check NOTAMS.
Hangar Rows are open and accessible. Use caution high snow banks.
Hangar Rows B & C need additional snow clearing to allow aircraft movement. Use caution high snow banks.
2.6.2019 12:08pm local (by: Hardy Bullock)
Airfield Open. Tower Class D Services Open and Available. RUNWAY 02/20 CLOSED.
Hangar Rows N,M,P,J,K,A are open and accessible. Use caution high snow banks.
Hangar Rows F odd side open, G even side open. Use caution high snow banks.
2.6.2019 7:52am local (by: Hardy Bullock)
Airfield Closed Until 5PM. Class D Tower Services Unavailable Until One Hour Before Airfield Opening.Check NOTAMS.
It is likely the airfield will OPEN before 5PM today. Hangar rows are partially plowed at this time. Some vehicle access is possible but aircraft taxi is not possible at this time.
Postings here will be updated as info becomes available.