Snow Day
12.25.2018 9:05am local (by: MC)
Low, Overcast 1700' ceiling and light snow falling.
Both runways 11/29 and 2/20 CLOSED . NOTAMS have been issued.
12.17.2018 8:49am local (by: DVQ)
Storm has ended and skies are mostly clear above the airfield
Less than 1/2" of snow on runways
12.17.2018 8:08am local (by: DVQ)
Currently snowing with less than 1" of snow accumulated.
Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 are open
12.5.2018 8:05am local (by: mrl)
6" of snow fell overnight, airfield snow plowing currently in progress, light snow forecast to continue through the day
NOTAMS issued for both runways 11/29 & 2/20 currently CLOSED for snow removal
12.2.2018 8:07am local (by: MC)
Mostly blue skies this morning with no weather predicted for today.
Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 OPEN but FICON NOTAMS issued for 1/4” dry snow on Runway 2/20.
12.1.2018 5:17pm local (by: DVQ)
Both Runways 11/29 & 2/20 OPEN
12.1.2018 9:40am local (by: DVQ)
Currently snowing, 4" of dry snow on field
NOTAMS issued. Runways 11/29 & 2/20 are CLOSED through at least 3pm local
Plowing in progress.
12.1.2018 7:12am local (by: DVQ)
Currently lightly snowing, with about 1" of dry snow on field.
Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 OPEN but FICON NOTAMS issued
11.29.2018 12:54pm local (by: MC)
Currently lightly snowing, runways wet. Winter storm warning is in effect.
NOTAMS canceled. Both runways 11/29 & 2/20 OPEN.
Hangar Rows: J, K, L, M are fully plowed. The odd side of F & even side of G are plowed.
Plowing in progress in all other hangar rows.
11.29.2018 7:00am local (by: mrl)
Currently snowing, 3"-4" on field, heavy thick wet snow
NOTAMS issued, 11/29 & 2/20 CLOSED
Plowing in progress