Snow Day
3.29.2023 2:06pm local (by: DVQ)
Runways now open
FBO services available
Hangar rows all clear
Wingspan restrictions still in place, check NOTAMS for specifics
3.29.2023 8:14am local (by: DVQ)
6” of light snow/ice on the ground at KTRK this morning
Runways closed for snow removal until 15:00 local.
Pilots check NOTAMS for the latest updates.
Stay clear of snow removal equipment while driving on airport property.
3.26.2023 9:52am local (by: DVQ)
FICONS upgraded to 5/5/5 100% wet
3.26.2023 9:00am local (by: DVQ)
Light snow fell overnight and runways have FICON's issued for 1/4" snow
Runway edge lines have been plowed and the sunshine will melt the rest
A Phenom 300 landed Runway 11 at 8:55am and reported light rime ice in the clouds, no turbulence and good braking
3.19.2023 4:46pm local (by: DVQ)
Off-and-on snow and drizzle today with light winds
A 4:45pm Pilatus departure reported bases around 6,800' and a pretty smooth ride
Weather info will not be available after 6pm today
Monitor NOTAMS tomorrow for possible changes to wingspan restrictions
3.19.2023 1:36pm local (by: DVQ)
Snow has stopped and did not accumulate on pavement
Visibility hovering around 2-3 miles
A Pilatus departed at 1:25pm and reported bases 6,900', tops 11,000', minor turbulence and a trace of ice
ATIS broadcast on 118.0 still down, awaiting repairs. ATC providing certified Wx observations until 6pm
3.19.2023 8:31am local (by: DVQ)
Light snow falling and 1-2 miles visibility
A Cirrus landed five minutes ago on the RNAV 20 and reported a smooth ride and breaking out 100' above mins
ATIS broadcast on 118.0 out of service, awaiting repair, ATC will provide certified Wx observations
Wingspan restrictions still in place. Check NOTAMS for full list of restricted runways/taxiways
3.17.2023 12:10pm local (by: JM)
Hangar Access Update: Contact operations at (530) 587-4119 x 100 prior to access.
Please be aware that active snow removal from hangar roofs may take place via Hi-Lift.
Check the hangars in proximity to avoid opening multiple doors in a row at the same time, next to each other, or back-to-back.
We recommend you placing your hand against the hangar wall during the opening or closing of the door and feel for unusual vibrations and listen for sounds out of the ordinary.
Pilots check NOTAMS & FICONS for most recent updates.
3.14.2023 4:57pm local (by: JS)
Evening update: Runway and some taxiway wingtip clearance restrictions have been updated. Pilots check NOTAMS & FICONS for most recent updates.
Rwy 11-29 w/ tower open 60', w/ tower closed 49'. Rwy 2-20 anytime 47', Taxiways P, Q & V 40' maximum.
3.14.2023 9:15am local (by: JS)
Both runways open with wingtip clearance restrictions. 100LL Self Serve Open. No FBO services today. All O&M crew are out shoveling snow from hangar roofs. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for latest airfield updates.
Red Truck Cafe, Sierra Aero and rental car companies are open.