Snow Day

3.14.2023 4:57pm local (by: JS)

Evening update: Runway and some taxiway wingtip clearance restrictions have been updated. Pilots check NOTAMS & FICONS for most recent updates.
Rwy 11-29 w/ tower open 60', w/ tower closed 49'. Rwy 2-20 anytime 47', Taxiways P, Q & V 40' maximum.

3.14.2023 9:15am local (by: JS)

Both runways open with wingtip clearance restrictions. 100LL Self Serve Open. No FBO services today. All O&M crew are out shoveling snow from hangar roofs. Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for latest airfield updates.
Red Truck Cafe, Sierra Aero and rental car companies are open.

3.13.2023 3:00pm local (by: JS)

Both runways open with wingtip restrictions. Self-serve 100LL open. No FBO services today. O&M crew are out shoveling hangar roofs.
Pilots check NOTAMS and FICONS for latest airfield updates.

3.12.2023 3:39pm local (by: DVQ)

Martis Dam Rd. is now plowed

3.11.2023 4:46pm local (by: DVQ)

All hangar rows have been cleared of snow

3.11.2023 12:55pm local (by: DVQ)

Runways now open

3.11.2023 12:34pm local (by: DVQ)

Snow/Rain mix has been falling so far and melting on contact
Runways will open within next 30 minutes with FICONS
East side hangars (A-H) have begun snow clearing operations
West side hangars (L - P) have yet to be cleared

3.11.2023 8:42am local (by: DVQ)

4" of Sierra Cement has piled up so far this morning
Runways closed for snow removal with ETO 4pm today

3.10.2023 9:06am local (by: DVQ)

All rain here at 5,901'
Both runways open
Field is IFR with 2 mile visibility and 1,000' ceilings
AWOS hotline back online (530) 587-4599

3.9.2023 1:06pm local (by: DVQ)

All hangars now accessible
Caution icicles and snow on top of hangars
Runway 2-20 in final phase of snow clearing
Check NOTAMS for wingspan restrictions

* Attention Pilots: Local tenants with tentative flight schedules planned (post snow events), can send priority hangar snow clearing requests to


Check live 360 degree webcam:

Check weather forecast:  

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM): 

Please remember the snow removal priorities that were discussed at the Winter Operations Speaking Event:
- Landside roads & parking (so we can get to work)
- Care Flight EMS
- Runways & Taxiways
- Airside terminal ramp, businesses and Control Tower
- Hangar row taxilanes

Winter Ops Fact Sheet 2023-2024

➤ Winter Ops Presentation 2021