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Public Comment Request Pmcd's Rules & Regs. / Min. Stds. Drafts

May 04, 2016

The Truckee Tahoe Airport District is looking at updating its PMCD's (Primary Management & Compliance Documents), which consist of "Rules and Regulations" and "Minimum Standards" guideline policies. We encourage and invite public comment.

Aviation Management Consulting Group (AMCG) and Mead & Hunt (M&H) have been engaged by the Truckee Tahoe Airport District (TTAD) to assist with the development of the airport's Primary Management and Compliance Documents (PMCDs). PMCDs are a compendium of rules, regulations, policies, and standards that govern the operation, management, and development of an airport. In combination, these PMCDs are designed to: (1) contribute to the long-term financial health of an airport, (2) facilitate (foster) the orderly development of an airport, (3) encourage the provision of quality products, services, and facilities at an airport, (4) protect the health, safety, interest, and general welfare of the public, and (5) reduce the potential for conflict with tenants, consumers, and users. PMCDs are comprised of Rules and Regulations, Minimum Standards, Leasing/Rents and Fees Policy, and Development Standards. The PMCD documents that are available for public review and comment are the DRAFT Rules and Regulations and DRAFT Minimum Standards. These documents are available on the TTAD website at: Publications

Rules and Regulations - This PMCD sets forth the rules and regulations to protect the public health, safety, interest, and welfare on an airport and to restrict any activity or action that would interfere with the safe, orderly, and efficient operation and use of an airport. In addition, Rules and Regulations can set the stage for the PMCDs by consolidating into one document the provisions, definitions, and key words/acronyms that are common to all PMCDs. This eliminates redundancy and facilitates enforcement of the PMCDs. Click here for a copy of the Rules & Regulations Draft

Minimum Standards - This PMCD establishes the minimum requirements and qualifications that must be met as a condition for the right to conduct a commercial aeronautical activity at an airport. In essence, by providing consistent threshold requirements and qualifications, minimum standards “level the playing field” and promote “fair competition” among operators. Click here for a copy of the Minimum Standards Draft

Your review and comment is an important step to the development process and will be reviewed and considered in the development of the final documents.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Click here to go to the Public Comment Form through June 10, 2016

Questions regarding public comment can be directed to:

Hardy S. Bullock, Direct of Aviation & Community Services Email: hardy.bullock@truckeetahoeairport.com Phone: (530) 587-4119 ext 106