AOPA Article New Zealand Disaster Relief
Jun 06, 2017
⚠️ Warning: Possible runway closure and suspended snow removal Feb 13–14 due to winter weather.
Jun 06, 2017
Check FAA NOTAMS for TRK at:
AVOID FLYING between 10 pm - 7 am. Please respect our neighbors.
Truckee Tower information Golf 2048Z. 00000KT 10SM CLR 02/M10 A2979. Visual approach in use. Landing Runway 29. Departing runways 29 or 2. Runway 20 VASI beyond 2 degrees left of runway centerline unusable. Noise abatement procedures in effect. Readback all runway assignments and hold short instructions. Advise on initial contact you have information Golf.
KTRK 130535Z AUTO 21010G15KT 10SM SCT065 OVC080 02/M09 A2973 RMK AO2
Recent Density Altitude: Approx.
5,900 ft MSL
(Calculated from last reported Metar)