RFQ For Business Aircraft/Multi Purpose Hangar

May 20, 2014


The Truckee Tahoe Airport District (“District”) is requesting Statements of Qualification (SOQ) from qualified Architecture /Engineering (A/E) consulting firms/teams for services pertaining to the District’s proposed BUSINESS AIRCRAFT/MULTI-PURPOSE HANGAR Project. Statements of Qualification will be received by the Truckee Tahoe Airport District until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Following a review of the proposals received, the Selection Committee (composed of two Board Members and Airport Staff) may establish a short list of firms and invite those firms to make an oral presentation. Alternatively, the Committee may opt to select the most qualified firm directly following review of proposals. The District may also reject all submittals and re-publish the RFQ in the same form or as may be amended.

The proposal is to program and design a hangar large enough to park one Gulfstream 650 or equivalent sized aircraft. The hangar space is proposed to be approximately 14,000 square feet, with a door height of 28-feet and width of 110-feet constructed directly adjacent to the existing aircraft apron. A multipurpose room and ancillary office space of about 4,000 SF along with an equipment bay of about 1,600 SF are proposed to be part of the overall building scope. While the primary purpose of the hangar is to house aircraft, the structure will also serve a multi-purpose role hosting local events and functions such as non-profit fundraisers, banquets, large public gatherings, community events, etc. The hangar structure is anticipated to be a pre-engineered metal building. The building’s utility systems will include domestic water, fire protection, power, sanitary sewer, natural gas and communications and be of sufficient capacity for aircraft deicing. The hangar structure will be designed for the appropriate snow loading as determined by Nevada County, the airport receives approximately 205 inches of snow per year and an architectural design that functions year-round is required. Civil site design will include the area surrounding the hangar and provision for adjacent parking for up to 60 vehicles along with integrated access to the landside of the airport. Design of the facility will be subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. The selected consulting firm/team will effectively demonstrate their leadership and expertise in industrial building design, including aircraft hangars, with in-depth technical expertise and proven internal processes for effective development and coordination, cost control, and schedule management.

RFQ can be found at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j1b970amh0rp910/Hangar%203%20RFQ%2005%2017%2014.pdf

Statements of Qualification should be submitted to:

TRUCKEE TAHOE AIRPORT DISTRICT Attn: Kevin Smith, General Manager 10356 Truckee Airport Road Truckee, CA 96161 (530) 587-4119 Ext. 105 ksmith@truckeetahoeairport.com