❌ All runways closed by NOTAM

AOPA Rusty Pilot Event

Mar 06, 2018


WHEN: Saturday, April 7, 2018
TIME: 1:00pm to 4:00pm, (doors open at 12:30pm)
WHERE: Truckee Tahoe Airport, Main Terminal Building Boardroom A
INSTRUCTOR: AOPA Presenter - Ted Spitzmiller
REGISTRATION:  Pre Registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome

Thank you for your interest in attending a Rusty Pilots seminar hosted by Sierra Aero LLC in collaboration with the Truckee Tahoe Airport District being held at KTRK. The seminar is FREE to AOPA members, and all pilots are welcome. Please have your AOPA username and password available so we can confirm your membership status during the registration process. If you need help with your username and password, please contact AOPA member services at 1-800-USA-AOPA (1-800-872-2672).  

If you’re not an AOPA member, this is a great time to join and get all the benefits that come with being part of the world’s largest aviation community. 

The fee for non-members to attend is $69, which includes the seminar, and all course materials.blank line AOPA members who do not log in or provide membership information during the registration process will be charged the non-member rate.

➤ To Register click here.

➤ To find out more about AOPA Rusty Pilot Seminars or to join AOPA click here.