❌ All runways closed by NOTAM

AOPA Rusty Pilot Seminar

Apr 08, 2018

Great turn out at the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) "Rusty Pilot" Seminar. The event was co-sponsored by Sierra Aero, (KTRK's on-field aircraft rental and maintenance facility) and Truckee Tahoe Airport.

Over 30 pilot's attended the 3 1/2 refresher ground school lead by certified flight instructor Ted Spitzmiller from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Topics included radio communications, airspace classifications, weather, NOTAMS, airfield movements and more.

A tasty lunch from the Red Truck Cafe was hosted by your Truckee Tahoe Airport.

Thanks to Ted Spitzmiller and all the pilots who attended!