❌ All runways closed by NOTAM

KTRK Pavement Maintenance Project

Oct 21, 2018

The FAA approved AIP (Airport Improvement Project) funds in the amount of $1.9M to support 2 KTRK 2018 pavement maintenance projects.

Joint and crack seal repairs will be done at: 

- Hangar taxilanes Alpha through Charlie 
- Taxilane Tango

- Hangar taxilanes Lima and Mike 
- Warehouse area parking lot.

Q & D Construction has been awarded the bid contract. Construction for this project will begin on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 and take 2 weeks. Impact to tenants and transient aircraft is expected to be minimal with 10-15 minute hangar access delays possible. Contact UNICOM at (530) 587-4119 x100 or on 122.95Mhz for access questions.

The larger Romeo taxilane reconstruction project (included in this grant award) has been rescheduled for late spring 2019.