Airport Board looking at bringing ADS-B to KTRK

May 07, 2018

Truckee Tahoe Airport Working to Bring ADS-B Coverage To Local Airspace
As the Federal Aviation Administration’s mandate for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasting (ADS-B) approaches in 2020, the Truckee Tahoe Airport District is working to get
Congressional assistance for building a receiver site on its grounds. The new surveillance type, which would allow the Airport to see all aircraft within its airspace with more accuracy
than today’s systems, promises better safety and reduced noise and annoyance for the community. The Airport needs FAA approval and is seeking assistance with funding through Congressional support in order to build the receiver by 2020. Pilots will also need to equip their aircraft with the corresponding minimum ADS-B (Out) equipment by January 1, 2020.
To find out how, go to: Pilots who also upgrade their aircraft to ADS-B (In), will be able to see the location of other aircraft with collision avoidance and
real-time weather information in the cockpit.