Welcome Lola!

Jun 21, 2019


"Lola" as staff affectionately calls the Airport District's newest vehicle acquisition, is a 2019 1,000 gallon 100LL fuel truck. She is gasoline powered and has an electric fuel pump that can deliver up to 20 gallons of 100LL per minute.

Lola cost approximately $130K and is replacing a 2002 diesel powered 2,200 gallon 100LL fuel truck that didn't much care for Truckee's cold winter mornings. Nevada County Airport is purchasing the older truck. 

Lola's smaller size and shorter wheel-base makes for a more nimble vehicle, and allows for a faster turnover of fuel in the 1,000 gallon tank.  Pictured is O&M Tech, Scott Tetzlaff. (Photos by: Marc Lamb)

Current 100LL fuel prices at KTRK are $5.21/gal for Self Serve and $5.76/gal for Full service. To see the latest aviation fuel prices at KTRK please visit our website at: https://truckeetahoeairport.com/aviation/services