AOPA Rusty Pilot Seminar
Nov 11, 2019
➤ To register click here: AOPA Rusty Pilot Registration KTRK 11.09.2019
Nov 11, 2019
➤ To register click here: AOPA Rusty Pilot Registration KTRK 11.09.2019
Check FAA NOTAMS for TRK at:
AVOID FLYING between 10 pm - 7 am. Please respect our neighbors.
Truckee Tower information Charlie 1649Z. 04005KT 10SM BKN027 00/M04 A3004. RNAV Runway 20 approach in use. Landing and departing runways 29 and 20. Noise abatement procedures in effect. Readback all runway assignments and hold short instructions. Advise on initial contact you have information Charlie.
KTRK 031647Z 3006KT 10SM BKN027 M01/M04 A3004