Alpha - Hotel Tenant Access

Jan 31, 2020

East Hangar Row Access:  

We collected numerous comments from Tenants, Airport Users and Staff in regard to the proposal to change the east hangar row access from Gate 7 (terminal building & playground) to exclusively Gate 5 (blast fence by the fire station). The intended purpose included the separation of vehicles and aircraft on taxilane Romeo, (taxilane on north side of A-H) and reducing vehicle traffic in the high pedestrian area of the terminal parking lot and playground area along with greater control over unauthorized vehicles entering the air side of the airport. 

After much deliberation and in consideration to the safety and security of all Airport operators, we are going to move forward with a 3-month trial period, beginning February 03, 2020, after which we will ask for your comments and reanalyze the effects.  Comments can be emailed to:

Vehicles driving to A-H hangar rows will access the airfield utilizing Gate 5, located south of the fire station.  Tenant access cards will no longer open Gate 7, located at the park.  Gate 7 will be designated for vehicles servicing aircraft on the front ramp area. 

Vehicles who wish to transit between the east and west side of the airfield will need to use Chandelle Way.    

Thank you,

Stacey Justesen