Safety GAP Analysis RFP

Mar 23, 2021

The Truckee Tahoe Airport District (District or TTAD) is interested in securing the services of a qualified professional consulting firm and/or team of consultants to complete a comprehensive 5-year update to the 2015 safety gap analysis for the Truckee Tahoe Airport. Firms and/or teams responding to this Request for Proposal (RFP) are expected to have extensive experience in airport safety management programs, government airspace use plans for FISDO approval, and Firms may present project teams consisting of the responding Firms and appropriate Sub-Consultants to insure the teams have the necessary experience appropriate for the project. The anticipated Scope of Services for the proposed project is attached for your consideration. 

Firms interested in being considered for the project are requested to submit one (1) copy of their response in an envelope marked “RFP for Professional Consulting Services – Safety GAP Analysis” by 5:00 PM (Pacific Time), April 07, 2021, or send an email to with the response included in .pdf format.

➤ Safety GAP Analysis RFP