New KTRK Flight Procedures Development

Jun 16, 2021

The Truckee Tahoe Airport District (TTAD) will soon propose new draft flight procedures that seek to maximize pilot safety and efficiency while reducing impacts on our Truckee Tahoe community. 

Flight procedures are Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified detailed instructions for an aircraft during specific parts of a flight. The FAA uses flight procedures to guide an airplane’s approximate position and altitude as it travels over the ground during both arrival and departure. Although the FAA has final say over all flight activity in the air, TTAD is proposing procedures that are intended to lessen concentrated areas of aircraft noise, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and redirect planes over less-populated areas whenever possible. 

TTAD has developed a comprehensive project website to provide details about the draft flight procedure development process. Background reports, video renderings of the procedures, a project timeline, and much more, can be found at ➤

Most importantly, we want your feedback. Later in the process, TTAD will host open houses that explain the draft procedures, but, in the meantime, please visit the project website to understand the procedure requirements, review the flight procedures, and submit any comments via the website or phone. The Truckee Tahoe Airport Board also welcomes public comment regarding the draft flight procedures during its regular Board meetings. 

The entire flight procedure development process is expected to take between 18 and 36 months, and TTAD staff intends to keep you informed every step of the way. 

To visit the Flight Procedures site please visit ➤