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TTAD Partners With Boys & Girls Club

Apr 03, 2015

The Truckee Tahoe Airport Board voted on March 25, 2015 to approve $45,000 per year for three years for BGCNLT (Boys & Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe) to provide expanded children's outreach and educational services for the Truckee area, as well as assistance with Airport events and the summer day camp programs. Airport General Manager Kevin Smith states that the BGCNLT’s key focus is enhancing the summer day camp "Mission To Mars" program with the Civil Air Patrol, as well as offering early STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs for 2nd-5th graders. The BGCNLT will also be able to provide additional help with the Santa Fly-In event, as the event continues to grow in attendance each year.

Ms. Mindy Carbajal, Executive Director of Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe, thanked the Directors for the opportunity to partner with the Truckee Tahoe Airport District. Ms. Carbajal informed the Board that its club serves over 2,500 members a year, and 320 kids are seen on a daily basis at the Kings Beach Facility. BGCNLT opened a site at Truckee Elementary school which currently sees 125 kids a day. Ms. Carbajal stated that the partnership will go beyond the summer programs, but will also enhance activities given on a daily basis that allows children to participate in STEM programs. The Club has the ability to make sure children can attend programs including Club transportation, and meals.

At the March Board meeting, Airport Board Vice President Lisa Wallace stated that the District is building on existing programs as well as extending beyond existing programs by partnering with the Club. TTAD Board President John Jones inquired about the Club’s source of income. Ms. Carbajal stated that the club has many revenue sources: Grants (local, state and federal), local community support and special fundraising events. President Jones requested the membership cost. Ms. Carbajal stated that it is $50.00 a year but that children are never turned away for the inability to pay. Director Mary Hetherington stated that her eldest son participated in a camp put on by the EAA chapter when he was in 6th grade. Director Hetherington stated that it was a wonderful hands on experience of aviation for him; but her other children were unable to participate due to EAA not having enough volunteers to run the camp. Director Hetherington stated that having staff and continuity to successfully run these summer programs will be beneficial to everyone.