ACT NOW! Airport Community Team Meeting

Apr 13, 2022

You're invited to the Airport Community Team meeting held on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 from 6:00 -7:30 pm via Zoom.. Join from the comfort of your own home!  This month's meeting topic is the Airport Master Plan Project Part III - Flight Procedures.  AVCOM Director Hardy Bullock, Flight Tech's Alec Seybold, and Mead & Hunt's Brad Musinski will be presenting. For more info please visit our ACT webpage at:  ➤ Meeting Agenda

Zoom link:  Meeting ID 818 7439 4449

April 13, 2022 – Airport Master Plan Update Project Part III - Flight Procedures.  We will review and provide information on proposed new aircraft arrival and departure flight procedures in development affecting all current airport runways, including those proposed as part of the new Runway 16/34 proposal.  We will discuss why this is important, how these arrival and departure procedures are designed along with how they may improve efficiency and reduce noise and annoyance in the communities around the airport.