2022 Agency Partnership Program Application Deadline

Jul 01, 2022


Your Truckee Tahoe Airport is part of the local community. TTAD helps support larger projects regionally by partnering with other local agencies and non-profits to benefit constituents district-wide through our “Agency Partnership” program.

The deadline for applying for 2022 partnerships is fast approaching on July 31, 2022.

The 2022 Timeline:
April 15-July 31: Application period August 1-31: TTCF Application Review
October 26: TTAD Board of Directors meeting
October 27 & 28: Notification of funding decisions

A few of the previous Agency Partnership funding recipients include:
-Aim High for High School: Youth STEM Summer Camps
-Biking for a Better World: Construction of the Truckee Bike Park
-Contractors Assoc of Truckee Tahoe: Construction of the Truckee Downtown Park
-Mountain Area Preservation: Construction of Trout Creek Pocket Park
-Northstar Community Services District: Backcountry 5 passenger rescue UTV
-North Tahoe Fire Protection District: Replacement of emergency response medical equipment
-North Tahoe PUD: NT Regional Park multi-use trailhead infrastructure -Sierra Community House: Support of Crisis Intervention & Hunger Relief programs
-Tahoe Cross Country Ski Education Assoc: Support of Tahoe City Cross Country Lodge Project
-Tahoe Nordic Search & Rescue: Purchase of Piston Bully Snow Cat Rescue vehicle
-Tahoe Area Mtn Bike Assoc: Kings Beach / Hwy 267 trails erosion control project
-Town of Truckee: Free Community Event Shuttle
-Truckee Downtown Merchants Assoc: Support of Truckee Thursday events

The Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation in partnership with the Truckee Tahoe Airport District, manages the application and administrative process of the program, and the Tahoe Truckee Tahoe Airport District Board of Directors decides on all final partnerships.

For general program questions, contact TTCF Community Impact Officer Phyllis McConn at phyllis@ttcf.net and or visit these informational sites:

TTCF  ➤ https://www.ttcf.net/ttad-partnership-program

TTAD  ➤ https://truckeetahoeairport.com/givin.../sponsorship-program

YouTube  ➤ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn3U0BeeIOQ

Eligibility Quiz  ➤  https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=ttcf