Check FAA NOTAMS for TRK at:
AVOID FLYING between 10 pm - 7 am. Please respect our neighbors.
Truckee Tower Closed. Truckee Tower scheduled to resume operations at 7 am local time. Automated Weather Observation. 0049Z 23006G14KT 7SM VCSHSN SCT021 SCT028 BKN033 M01/M06 A2967. Class Echo airspace in effect. Common traffic advisory frequency and pilot controlled lighting are available on 120.575. For additional information contact Oakland Center on 127.95. Noise abatement procedures in effect.
KTRK 140655Z AUTO 20008G12KT 7SM -SN SCT013 BKN022 OVC039 M04/M08 A2973 RMK AO2