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Flying Magazine - KTRK Article

Nov 25, 2024


FLYING magazine - Truckee Tahoe Airport "A case study in general aviation innovation". Issue 951, pg 70, by Aviation podcaster Max Trescott.

When one thinks of GA airports, innovative is not the first word that comes to mind. Most do a good job of maintaining their runways and infrastructure, which serves pilots well, but that doesn’t make them trailblazers.

California’s Truckee Tahoe Airport (KTRK), however, has introduced some valuable initiatives around pilot safety that hopefully other airports will take notice of and incorporate.

Truckee has been on my radar screen because of a couple of recent jet crashes , both of which involved circling instrument approaches in restricted visibility. The accident rate at Truckee is higher than my home airport, so it warranted investigation.

Contributing factors may be that the airport is located deep within the Sierra Nevada, with a field elevation of 5,901 feet surrounded by rising terrain. The airport routinely has high density altitude and, at times, severe weather.

Recognizing these challenges, the Truckee Tahoe Airport has introduced some innovations worth sharing....

Read the full story on the KTRK website at: https://truckeetahoeairport.com/.../964-ktrk_flyingmag-pdf

➤ KTRK - A case study in general aviation innovation (Issue 951, pg 70)