« TTAD Board Meeting 2023-01-25

Title Size Last Modified
AGENDA JANUARY 25, 2023.pdf 344 KB over 1 year ago
January 25, 2023 Written Public Comments.pdf 115 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 01a - PI 209 - Selection of Board President and Vice President.pdf 308 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 02 - Approve Resolution 2023-01 Authorize Virtual Public Meetings.pdf 131 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 02a - RESOLUTION 2023-01 - Virtual Meetings Under AB 361.pdf 67.7 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 03 - Speak-your-Peace.pdf 158 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 04 - NOVEMBER 30, 2022 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES.pdf 179 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 05 - Monthly Service Bills & Fees 113022.pdf 74.5 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 05a - Monthly Service Bills & Fees 123122.pdf 90.9 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 06 - Review and Approve Board Policy Instruction 110 - Personnel Policies - Vacation Accrual Update.pdf 136 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 06a - PI 110 Personnel Policies 12.2022 DRAFT SNS-c1.pdf 301 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07 - General Engineering Master Service Agreement Staff Report.pdf 132 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07a - Aviation Engineer Master Service Agreement Staff Report.pdf 135 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07b - Master Service Agreements RFQ Revised 5 December 2022 - Final - V2.pdf 287 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07c - Auerbach Engineering SOQ.pdf 2.99 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 07d - Auerbach - TTAD Billing Procedures and Rates 2023.pdf 331 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07e - AUERBACH MASTER SERVICE CONSULTING AGREEMENT 2023 - Final.pdf 193 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07f - Brandley Engineering SOQ.pdf 4.67 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 07g - Exhibit A - Brandley Standard Billing Rates.pdf 61.9 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07h - Exhibit B combined-federal-contract-provisions (1) June 2018.pdf 370 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 07i - Wood Rogers SOQ.pdf 4.67 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 07j - BRANDLEY MASTER SERVICE CONSULTING AGREEMENT 2023 - Final.pdf 196 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 08 - TTAD_ Assignment and Assumption of Lease re Clear Capital and Lift Truckee.pdf 111 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 08a - Current Lease WODB_2016-2026_Executed.pdf 4.35 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 08b - Airport Assignment Notice.pdf 148 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 09 - Board and Staff Committee Reports Staff Report.pdf 188 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 09a - TTWHA Executive Directors Report - 01.18.23.pdf 731 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 09b - 2023-2027 TTWHA Strategic Plan.pdf 1.08 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 10 - General Manager's Report - January 25 - 2023.pdf 335 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10a - TTAD_2023 District Budget_Final.pdf 6.6 MB over 1 year ago
TAB 10b - Copy of Master Fee Schedule - 01.01.2023.pdf 68.8 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10c - AVCOM Report for 012523.pdf 129 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10d - 2022 Annual Operations & Comments Report.pdf 382 KB over 1 year ago
Tab 10e - 2022 Operations and Community Comment Tracking Charts.pdf 964 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10f - Communications Report Q4 & YE 2022.pdf 210 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10g - Financial Staff Report 123122.pdf 174 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10h - Board Financials 123122.pdf 707 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 10i - Q4 Investments 2022.pdf 69.4 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 11 - ROLLING AGENDA - TIME FRAMES.pdf 237 KB over 1 year ago
TAB 12 - Aviation Issues Conference 2023 - Director Stephens Summary.pdf 95.4 KB over 1 year ago
TTAD Board Presentation - Agnew__Beck.pdf 674 KB over 1 year ago
TTAD Board Presentation - Josh Nelson BBK.pdf 202 KB over 1 year ago