« TTAD Board Meeting 2022-09-28

Title Size Last Modified
AGENDA SEPTEMBER 28, 2022.pdf 339 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 01 - Approve Resolution 2022-09 Authorize Virtual Public Meetings.pdf 135 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 01a - RESOLUTION 2022-09 - Virtual Meetings Under AB 361.pdf 68.3 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 02 - Speak-your-Peace.pdf 158 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 03 - AUGUST 24, 2022 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES.pdf 122 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 04 - AUGUST 24, 2022 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES.pdf 180 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 05 - Monthly Service Bills & Fees 083122.pdf 91.5 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06 - Review and Approval of Board Policy Instructions Update - Governance Policies - Staff Report.pdf 165 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06a - PI 202 Board of Directors Basis of Authority Code of Ethics and Meeting and Agenda Management - Draft-c1.pdf 171 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06b - PI 208 Recording and Retention of Board Meetings and Board Meeting Miunutes September 2022.pdf 206 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06c - PI 210 Director Remuneration and Expenditure Reimbursement.pdf 172 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06d - PI 213 Board of Director Technology Device and Service Policy.pdf 131 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06e - PI 214 Social Media Elected Officials (bbk)-c1.pdf 139 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 06f - TTAD PI Index.pdf 105 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 07 - Quarterly Internal Audit Report 092822.pdf 75.3 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 08 - ASFF_Recap Letter To Ms. Rohlf.pdf 109 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 08a - ASFF_2023 Service Agreement Agenda Item Amended.pdf 66.5 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 09 - TTAD Staff Report Re_ John Jones Cease and Desist-c1.pdf 166 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 09a - TTAD Letter to John Jones Re_ Brown Act Cease and Desist-c1.pdf 68.1 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 10 - Operating and Capital Budget 2023 - Draft 9-28-2022.pdf 867 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 10a -Truckee Tahoe Airport District 2023 Budget Draft #1.pdf 2.8 MB almost 2 years ago
TAB 11 - ACIP 2023 REVIEW - STAFF REPORT.pdf 185 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 11a - TRK 2023 ACIP-Sketchmap.pdf 702 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 11b - Truckee Tahoe Airport - 2023-31 ACIP Draft.pdf 35.9 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 12 - Board and Staff Committee Reports Staff Report.pdf 170 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13 - General Manager Update - September 28 2022.pdf 339 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13a - Master Fee Schedule - 10.01.2022 Final.pdf 87.3 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13b - GA Leasing-Rents and Fees Policy-TRK-Revised-9-21-22.pdf 457 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13c - August 2022 Operations & Comments Report.pdf 329 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13d - AVCOM Report for 092822.pdf 126 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 13e - Board Financials 083122.pdf 770 KB almost 2 years ago
TAB 14 - ROLLING AGENDA - TIME FRAMES.pdf 232 KB almost 2 years ago