
  • Oct 13, 2016

    2016 Paving Projects Completed!

    This summer's four major airfield paving projects, funded by the FAA and TRK have been completed. Click heading for more.

  • Oct 07, 2016

    Inaugural Run The Runway

    Great weather, great turn out, great fun! Click heading for full story and pics.

  • Sep 24, 2016

    Paint Recycle Event

    CA local residences and businesses took advantage of the FREE paint drop off event at TRK and set new collection records.

  • Sep 19, 2016

    WWII B 25 Bomber Visits Trk

    A flying historical museum the B-25 "Executive Sweet" stopped by TRK for ramp viewing and scenic rides. Click heading for more details.

  • Sep 19, 2016

    Care Flight Celebrates 35 Years

    The TRK based Care Flight crew put on a FREE BBQ and Open House on Saturday, 9/17. Click heading for full story.

  • Sep 17, 2016

    ACAT Recruitment

    Airport Community Advisory Team (ACAT) candidate application recruitment closed September 16, 2016. Click heading for full details.

  • Sep 12, 2016

    ACAT Meeting Cancelled

    Due to lack of a quorum, the Airport Community Advisory Team (ACAT) meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 9/13/2016 has been cancelled.

  • Sep 09, 2016

    Antarctica, Climate Change & Local Truckee Action

    Great well attended Airport Speaker event given by Nichole Dorr and friends. Click heading for full details

  • Sep 02, 2016

    Trk Job Recruitment

    TRK AVCOM Department is looking to fill a temporary Associate Program Coordinator position. Click heading for further details.

  • Aug 22, 2016

    Ninety Nines Offer Scholarships To Women In Aviation

    Reno High-Sierra Chapter of Ninety Nines offers $7,000 in scholarship awards. Applications due 10/21/2016. Click heading for full story.

  • Aug 12, 2016

    Truckee River Watershed Council & KTRK Partner On Restoration Project

    Implementation of the Middle Martis Wetland Restoration project will take place August thru October 2016. Click heading for full story.

  • Aug 08, 2016

    Welcome Katie New Pilot Outreach Coordinator

    KTRK hires Katherine Greenwood as the airport's new Pilot & Passenger Outreach Coordinator.