
  • Jul 17, 2019

    U-2 Spy Plane at KTRK

    Wow, an Air Force Lockheed U-2 spy plane does a low approach fly-by over Runway 29 at Truckee Tahoe Airport at 3:14pm local on 07.16.2019.  Click heading for more info and a video link.

  • Jul 15, 2019

    Air Show & Family Festival 2019

    Another amazing Truckee Tahoe Airport Air Show & Family Festival for the history books!  Thanks to all the aerobatic performers, ramp-display aircraft owners, volunteers, vendors, EMS personnel, staff and everyone else involved, that help make this the best, biggest and most thrilling, free community event in the Truckee Tahoe area each year! An estimated 14,000 spectators attended!

  • Jul 10, 2019

    New Airport E-Bikes

    Your Truckee Tahoe Airport has purchased two new "Rad Power" E-Bikes. The bikes are available for use at no charge by pilots and flight crew members to enjoy our beautiful bike-trails and local scenery. Click heading for full story and pics.

  • Jul 01, 2019

    Board Approves ADS-B Installation

    TTAD's Board of Directors approved funding, ~$1M for 2 ADS-B ground stations located at KTRK and KTVL at the June 26, 2019 board meeting.  Click heading for more ADS-B info.

  • Jun 26, 2019

    Taxiway Romeo Summer 2019 Construction

    Repaving of Taxiway Romeo is a joint KTRK and FAA Airport Improvement Project (AIP). The Airport District was successful in securing an FAA grant for $1,981,723 to replace utility lines and repave the taxiway.  Construction will start on Monday, July 15, 2019.  Click heading for more info.

  • Jun 25, 2019

    Youth Balloon Camp

    The Balloon Federation of America (BFA) is holding a Junior Balloonist Camp at KTRK from June 23-28, 2019.  Click head for more info and pics.

  • Jun 21, 2019

    Welcome Lola!

    "Lola", as staff affectionately calls the Airport District's newest vehicle acquisition, is a 2019 1,000 gallon 100LL fuel truck. She is gasoline powered and has an electric fuel pump that can deliver up to 20 gallons of 100LL per minute. Click heading for pics and more.

  • Jun 17, 2019

    Airport Speaker Event Well Attended

    Last Friday's FAA Wings credit speaker event was attended by over 25 local aviation enthusiast.  The topic was "Mountain Flying with Emphasis on Wave Affect".  FAA's Larry Cheek and DPE Mark Montegue were the guest speakers.

  • Jun 15, 2019

    KTRK Awarded 2019 SDLF Transparency Certificate

    Your Truckee Tahoe Airport District was again honored to be awarded the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) "District Transparency Certificate of Excellence." Click heading for more info.

  • Jun 12, 2019

    Board to Vote on ADS-B Coverage

    The Truckee Tahoe Airport Board of Directors is scheduled to vote on installation of ADS-B ground stations at KTRK and KTVL for full ADS-B coverage of Martis Valley and the Lake Tahoe Basin.  The board meeting will be held at 4:30pm Wednesday, June 26, 2019.  The pilot and District constituent communities are invited to attend and give input.

  • Jun 11, 2019

    Taxiway Romeo Summer 2019 Construction

    As many of you are aware, Taxiway Romeo (the taxiway on the north side of hangar rows Alpha–Hotel) is a bumpy ride and in much need of repair. Repaving work is scheduled to start on July 15, 2019 and last for 2 months.  For full details click heading.

  • Jun 08, 2019

    Maker Show 2019

    Truckee Roundhouse Makerspace is holding their annual "Maker Show" on Sunday, June 9, 2019, 11am - 5pm.  Come all ye makers!  Click heading for more info.