*** ATC Tower - Seasonal Operational Hours Time Change: 9/3 - 9/30 07:00 - 19:00 Local ***

« TTAD Board Meeting 2020-09-23

Title Size Last Modified
AGENDA SEPTEMBER-23-2020 R.pdf 296 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 01 - RESOLUTION 2020-07 - MORRISON.pdf 62.8 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 02 - AUGUST 26, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES.pdf 145 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 03 - AUGUST 26, 2020 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES.pdf 183 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 04 - SEPTEMBER 4, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES.pdf 122 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 05 - Monthly Service Bills & Fees 083120.pdf 82 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 06 - August 2020 Ops and Comments Report.pdf 297 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 07 - ACAT Selection 2020 STAFF REPORT.docx.pdf 143 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 07a - ACAT Candidates Ltr and Resume_2020.pdf 401 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 08 - Agency Partnership-Four Applicants-Determinations 9.23.2020.pdf 24.2 MB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09 - JMA Soaring Way Infrastructure Funding Request - Staff Report.pdf 160 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09a - Exhibit A - Soaring Ranch.pdf 4.27 MB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09b - Exhibit A1 - PC-3 Zoning Exhibit Map.pdf 278 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09c - Exhibit B - Non-Aviation Land Use Map.pdf 631 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09d - Exhibit C - Joerger Ranch Utilities Cost Share Map.pdf 1.69 MB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09e - Exhibit D - TTAD Trails Master Plan Map.pdf 774 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 09f - Exhibit E - TTAD-Joerger Ranch Class 1 Trail Letter 8-12-20.pdf 427 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 10 - TTSA Glider Operations over Juniper Hill Neighborhood.pdf 314 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 11 - PMNU Property Purchase Request Staff Report.pdf 199 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 11a - From PMNU to TTAD Board on 9-23-20.pdf 165 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 11b - Joerger Ranch Parcel 4 Map.pdf 2.15 MB almost 4 years ago
TAB 11c - ALUCP MAP - Joerger Ranch.pdf 913 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 11d - Combined Public Comments via email.pdf 79 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 12 - Monthly ACAT Report.pdf 391 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 13 - Monthly Financial Staff Report - August.pdf 203 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 13a - Monthly Board Financials - August.pdf 146 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 14 - Budget Presentation 2021 092320.pdf 130 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 14a - 2021 Budget, Narrative & Capital Summary.pdf 411 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 15 - Runway Utilization Report Update 9.23.20.docx.pdf 136 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 16 - Flight Procedures and ADS-B Update Staff Report.docx.pdf 146 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 16a - Att.A Flight Procedures Timeline.pdf 81.4 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 16b - Att.B Flight Procedures Pic.pdf 635 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 17 - GM Report.pdf 148 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 17a - Taxi Way T Mill and Fill Project Area.pdf 228 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 17b - ROLLING AGENDA - TIME FRAMES.pdf 211 KB almost 4 years ago
TAB 17c - 2020 District Goals.pdf 37.8 KB almost 4 years ago