Community Outreach

Aircraft Operational Activity - Historical Data to Date

KTRK is progressive for an airport its size in tracking flight operational data. Equipment was installed in 2011 that accurately records operational flight track data, aircraft identification numbers and the aircraft type.

Airport Community Investments

The Truckee Tahoe Airport District makes significant investments back into our local communities. (updated Sept 2018)

Airport History and General Stats

Airport Publications

Communications Report (Quarterly Slide Deck)

Community Dashboard - Comments & Ops / Communication & Outreach

Drone/UAV Policy at KTRK

Godbe Survey Results

Every four years, the District conducts a community and pilot survey to take the pulse of it's programs and efforts.

Neighborhood Meetings Report 2016

Noise & Annoyance Handbook & Airport Impact Map (CLUP)

Notice to Airport Users - Airport Improvement Projects

Special District Leadership Foundation